Our Bath office address is:
Charlton Baker 1 North Parade Passage Bath BA1 1NX
+44 (0) 1225 446661
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Directions and information for our Bath Office
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Our Bristol office address is:
Charlton Baker 1st Floor, 61 Macrae Road Eden Office Park Ham Green Bristol BS20 0DD
+44 (0) 117 929 9931
Directions and information for our Bristol Office
Our Clifton office address is:
Charlton Baker t/a Gordon Wood Scott & Partners Dean House, 94 Whiteladies Rd, Clifton, BS8 2QX
+44 (0) 117 946 6149
Directions and information for our Clifton Office
Our Devizes office address is:
Charlton Baker 7-7c Snuff Street Devizes Wiltshire SN10 1DU
+44 (0) 1380 723692
Directions and information for our Devizes Office
Our Marlborough office address is:
Charlton Baker 130 High Street Marlborough SN8 1LZ
+44 (0) 1672 514582
Directions and information for our Marlborough Office
Our Melksham office address is:
Charlton Baker 1, Mitsubishi Building Western Way Melksham SN12 8BY
+44 (0) 1225 705758
Directions and information for our Melksham Office
Our Trowbridge office address is:
Charlton Baker 33 Duke Street Trowbridge Wiltshire BA14 8EA
+44 (0) 1225 751302
Directions and information for our Trowbridge Office
Our Wantage office address is:
Charlton Baker Central Office Cobweb Buildings The Lane Lyford Wantage OX12 0EE
+44 (0) 1235 868888
Directions and information for our Wantage Office
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