19 Mar 2024
Why Do I Need a Will is the second blog in our Wealth, Wills and Probate blog series.
Recent research shows that up to 60% of adults in the UK, around 30 million people, do not have a Will in place.
The main reasons people gave for not having a Will were:
Let’s cover these in turn…..
I don’t have enough assets to warrant making a Will.
If you do not write a Will, any assets you do have, no matter the size, would pass according to the rules of intestacy. These are strict rules that must be followed by law and may not be in line with your wishes.
If you are co habiting with a partner and not married, if one partner were to pass away, the survivor would not inherit your estate without a Will in place.
If you have separated from your spouse but not divorced, they would still inherit if you did not have a Will in place.
And lastly, you could end up paying more inheritance tax without a Will in place as we can incorporate tax planning into your Will.
Haven’t thought about drafting one
No matter your age or personal circumstances, it’s always important to have a Will in place for the reasons mentioned above.
It is also important to note that if you have children, your Will is a only place where you can legally appoint guardians for them should anything happen to you. If you do not appoint guardians in a Will, it’s up to the courts to decide who would look after your children, which may not be in line with your wishes.
It’s not a priority and I’m too busy to draft one.
A will is a priority for every adult, no matter your age for the reasons mentioned above.
Here at Charlton Baker we are qualified Will writers and following a conversation with you, we can draft your Will in as little as 30 minutes. Please visit our Will Writing Services page, or contact us for more information.
We are also qualified to create Lasting Powers of Attorney and apply for Probate, meaning you would not need to instruct a solicitor. We have been acting as professional executors for our clients for many years and have a wealth of experience in this area. Please do get in touch to discuss further.
Other topics you might find useful:
Characteristics of a valid Will
How often should I change my Will?
How do I choose an executor for my Will?
What is probate and how does it work?
Why do I need a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)?
What happens to limited company shares on the death of a shareholder?
How do you pay Inheritance Tax when you have no access to the funds?
What happens to a partnership on the death of a partner?