3 Mar 2025
Understanding how to balance output and input VAT can help optimise cash flow and avoid costly mistakes with HMRC.
The current VAT registration threshold for businesses is £90,000 in taxable turnover. However, businesses below this threshold can still opt for voluntary VAT registration.
VAT registered businesses charge VAT on their sales, known as output VAT, while also paying VAT on most of their purchases, referred to as input VAT.
The output VAT is collected from customers on behalf of HMRC and must be regularly paid over to HMRC. However, businesses can deduct the input VAT on most (but potentially not all) goods and services purchased from their output VAT liability to HMRC.
This calculation usually results in a VAT payment that is due to HMRC. If the input VAT exceeds the output VAT, HMRC will owe you a refund of overpaid VAT.
HMRC’s guidance states that the following must be included on your VAT return:
It's important to include VAT on the full value of your sales, even if:
Please note, you cannot charge VAT to your customers or claim back the input tax you have paid to suppliers unless you have formally registered for VAT.
If you want to chat to us about your accounting needs, give our expert and friendly team a call on 01380 723692 or email us here.